The Sensor Seal ASCII measurement format is a human-readable, easily-parsable text format that encodes a Sensor Seal measurement.
It includes at least the following parameters in the given order, separated by commas:
  1. Format Identifier (SS_ASCII)
  2. Gateway UID (lowercase hexadecimal)
  3. Sensor Seal UID (lowercase hexadecimal)
  4. Sensor Seal Update ID (integer)
  5. Temperature (fixed-point number, degrees Celcius)
  6. Speed (fixed-point number, rpm)
  7. Vibration (integer, mm/s^2)
  8. Voltage (integer, mV)
The measurement is terminated by a
) sequence.
Note: Certain Sensor Seals configured for real-time applications may send measurements before all parameters have been measured and these parameters will be shown as
when using the ASCII format.

