UDP Unicast

The UDP Unicast protocol is a method of sending Sensor Seal measurements via UDP to a specific device on the local network or a remote server. The UDP datagram payload simply contains a single Sensor Seal measurement as specified by the configured measurement format.
Unlike SSGSCP,
UDP Unicast
is not encrypted, so if using it to send measurements to a server over the internet, be aware that these could theoretically be tampered with and viewed.
Using the conntype command, the connectivity type can be set to
and the measurement format set to the desired value. A destination hostname/IP and port can then be configured using the udpsetup command.

Example Configurations

An example configuration is shown below. In this, the gateway is configured to send Sensor Seal measurements to a device ( listening on UDP port 2828.
First, the connectivity type is set to
and measurement format is set to SSRB below.
conntype UDPUnicast SSRB
Then, the destination hostname/IP and port is specified using the udpsetup command:
udpsetup 2828
Now, when the gateway receives a Sensor Seal measurement, it will encode it into the SSRB format and send a UDP datagram containing this measurement to on port 2828.
Alternatively, the destination could be configured to be a remote server:
udpsetup my-udp-server.example.com 12345